Waterproof Journals
You may know that I’m sweet on some paper products by the weather loving folks at Rite In The Rain, based in Tacoma, Washington, USA.
Aside from the completely awesome company name, I just love the innovative spirit that led to the Waterproof paper. It all began in a logging forest almost a century ago. It is the stuff of entrepreneurial legends.
Did you catch that? Water proof paper. I know, I had to wrap my head around the concept too, but I’ve tried them out and they never cease to amaze me.
Exclusive giveaway
For the final giveaway, I am thrilled to be able to offer you an exclusive, hot-off-the-press, not-available-for-sale yet, journal. Just for you my sweet friends.
The kind people at Rite In The Rain have provided one Intermediate Hard Copy Journal in black (as shown in the first photo) as well as two soft cover mini notebooks.
If you are familiar with Rite In The Rain, you will know that their ‘trademark’ colour is what I call ‘Big Bird’ yellow. They have recently introduced some new colours and my favorite is the black. Stylish enough to take to the office, but rugged enough to bang about in the outdoors.
Enough of me talking, let’s get to the fun part. To be eligible to win the waterproof journals (as described above) you need to add to the list that I’ve started below by simply leaving a comment on the blog.
How or where would you use these waterproof journals?
1. When you are crying at the movies.
2. You sneeze on your work.
3. Hiking.
4. With the kiddies during a potty training session.
5. …………………………………………………….
One winner will be randomly chosen from those who leave a blog comment sharing how or where you would use these waterproof journals. You have until March 21st 11:00 pm MST to enter. One entry per person. Have fun!
Out in the garden and out in the boat and on picnics to the lake 🙂
All fantastic places to journal Nita. Yes, indeed.
Two words: bathtub journaling 🙂
Like this Selma!
While bicycle touring , to make map notes and services lists.
Makes a whole lot of sense Joe. Sounds like that’s a great way to tour. Thanks for entering.
Joe…sounds like we want the journal for the same reason…he he
5. Starting that novel while lounging on a pool float.
Sounds like the perfect afternoon Naomi. Hopefully there would be a cool beverage close by too.
I would use it at school, you never know what spills or rain or whatever you may encounter in college.
Completely true Amber. All that coffee can be a real hazard. A waterproof journal would be just the thing to accompany those late night study sessions.
I might use it while sitting underneath a gorgeous waterfall. I’d need the waterproof journal to protect my ink from the mist of the waterfall as I write about how good it feels to be in nature.
I need to find me a gorgeous waterfall. Mist, gorillas, I want it all!
Hey everyone,
Good luck in the giveaway! Please feel welcome to reach out to social@riteintherain.com if you have any questions or comments about our stuff. I’m happy to answer questions, help you pick something out, accept product suggestions, you name it.
Taking notes whilst rowing – or maybe that could be tricky!! but definitely some water based sport!!
You row Gill? I’m in awe, I’ve always wanted to try that. Have to agree the note taking might be a bit tricky….but then again, if the journal falls in, it doesn’t matter (as long as you can snap it up before sinking).
This journal would be perfect to take with me on a hike, with no umbrella, during a warm summer rain – one of my favourite things to do! It is truly refreshing!
This journal would be perfect for a warm summer rain! Good luck and thanks for playing along.
Would love to take this camping – seems that my notebooks or books that I bring camping always land up with a bit of a wrinkled look due to moisture, so this would be lovely! MOre time to journal during the relaxed schedule of camping as well :=-)
Camping would be the perfect setting for this water proof journal Joan. No more wrinkled, hard to read reflections. More time to journal sounds lovely too. Must get on that…. thanks for popping in for a visit. 🙂
I would use it in the kitchen while cooking/baking.
You are brilliant! Why didn’t I think of this? I’ve got to be the messiest cook around. Good luck and maybe it will end up right on your counter top.
I love to go out in the rain and this would be perfect for jotting down inspiration that occurs to me while I am out. Thanks for the giveaway chance!
Laura, I need to hear more about your habit of going out in the rain. Intriguing although it is, I’m not sure I’ve ever done it on purpose. Been outside when it’s started to rain, but not sure if I have gone outside just BECAUSE it was raining. Tell me more…. 🙂
I would give it to my son. He loves to jot things down. He has a fort by the river and goes there in all seasons, so I could see him tossing this in his backpack and sitting at his fort, in the sun, the snow, the drizzle, writing out his thoughts, plans, prayers etc.
A boy after my own heart, Rhonda. I hope mine does that some day too. I love that you would give it to him, I’d be liable to hoard it and lock it away from my kiddies. Missed the kindergarten class on sharing I guess…. 🙂
I’m adding to the list!
As a cyclist, it is very possible to get caught in the rain, or just a humid day! I could carry the journal in my front pouch on bike to write of interesting thoughts on the ride, or to write down a route 🙂
Sydney, you are quite right, this journal could go place with you and your bicycle. Adventures await!
I have one of these (by noray.es)!
They are very good to be used: 5. While sailing or at the beach.
So glad you like the waterproof journals as much as I do Eva. Never a bad idea to have two.