Jolene’s Tea House is located in Banff National Park in Canada, on Bear Street no less. The log cabin, better known as the Old Crag Cabin, is one of the oldest buildings in Banff.
Built between 1888-1890, this building has been many things. A residence, a local newspaper (if you look close enough when inside, you can see a portion of the wall looks ‘cut out’ which it was in order to get the printing press inside) and so many other types of businesses.
Now, as of 2021, the cabin is a tea house. In late November I partnered for the first ‘Tea and Tap” event. It was magical.

first typewriter event since covid
It was most exciting for me because it was the first time I’ve had the typewriters out to greet and be used by the public since Covid. It was SO good to hear the sound of tap, tap again.
Of course we followed covid protocals and it was an absolute lovely afternoon. So many people marvelled at the typewriters and wrote Christmas greetings.

Can you spot the Christmas carolers?
It was a perfect way to kick off the Christmas season. As the snow started to fall lightly, Christmas carols were being sung outside the tea house, the typewriters were busy, and of course, hot tea for all.

Let it snow
There are already plans underway for a second “Tea and Tap” event in the new year. Perhaps around Valentine’s Day, wouldn’t that be fun?!
In the meantime, I think Jennie has the right idea…let it snow.
What’s your favourite hot drink?
What a delightful event held in such a special location. I could sit there and type and drink tea all day! So glad for in-person events. Wish I could be *in-person*. Alas. Some day! Happy holidays!!