Nothing goes better together than tea and typing. No matter your age. I kid you not, those that gathered to drink tea and type letters on typewriters last weekend were 15 years old.

I met Zoe and her mom at a ‘Letters to Santa‘ event I did last year and I’m so grateful to have met them both. It took me but a split second to agree to come with typewriters in tow to her Birthday celebration.

Zoe not only cooked all the yummies for her party (trust me when I say she is a combo of creative literary spirit and culinary wizard) but typed in code the names of her guests in these sweet teapot place card holders.

In keeping with the high tea theme there were delightful cucumber and salmon sandwiches, scones with cream and jam and delicious chocolate chip cookies. And yes, there was tea. Lots of tea.

Sometimes when I run letter writing socials people aren’t sure what to write. This crowd required no assistance. Letters, rants, and stories got written. Sometimes a story was a group effort where the paper was passed around the room and each person typed something, adding to the story as they went.

Not only did the typewriters charm Zoe’s guests but kept them coming back for more. Zoe’s mom told me that later on in the evening they all wanted to get back on the typewriters even though the hour was close to midnight!

Thank you Zoe for inviting me to your 15th Birthday party! It was a wonderful afternoon.
P.S. If you don’t have typewriters handy but want to celebrate a birthday with a unique idea involving letters ask friends / family to write a letter for the number of years being celebrated. Here’s how to do it.