You are in for a treat today on the blog. Today’s post is written by guest blogger “She Became a Butterfly.” She has embarked on a very cool project for 2014. Join me in reading about it here.
Hi all! I’m She from She Became a Butterfly, and I’m very excited to be here! I found Barb’s wonderful site, Rite While U Can, last year by sheer luck. As an avid paper journaler, I found her sweet posts on the importance of letter writing to be a breath of fresh air in the blogging world. Barb writes about personal connection. In this day and age of Social Media overload, she knows that to truly connect to another person, you must handwrite your feelings on paper and send them off in the mail to be enjoyed by and connected to the recipient. That is what true connection is all about.
Experience the magic
I’m only recently rediscovering the physical feel of a thought moving down my arm, connecting to my hand which connects my words to the paper. By doing this, I find that my words are more true and better expressed than when I simply write a blog piece on a keyboard. There is magic in the physical action of writing by hand, and I love it!
photo credit: Meghan Davidson. via photopin cc
Pen full of memories
As part of my rekindled love of handwriting, I have embarked on a letter-writing project for 2014. (The project needs a name if you would be so kind as to suggest one in comments!) I asked 100+ friends, some I’m still close to and some I’ve lost touch with, to send me their mailing addresses so that I can send them a letter sharing my favorite memories of them.
Some memories might be as simple as, “I loved sitting at the middle school lunch table with you and our posse.” Other memories may be more in-depth and more personal: “One of my favorite memories of us was performing onstage together during Godspell the musical in college. At the end, when your character was dying on the cross, I remember crying, really crying because there was my friend, dying and I reacted as if you truly were leaving me. It was a sobering moment, but one that I remember, my friend. That performance will always bind us together.”
Share a keepsake
I also hope to include a pre-stamped envelope in my snail mail package to encourage the recipient to either send a memory back to me or to send one to another friend.
I know this project is a large undertaking, but I am committed to doing it. Sharing memories with loved ones is not only a positive for them; it’s positive for me, too.
Please make time this year, even if you only have time to send one letter, and send off some memories to someone you care about. The joy will do you both good.
My Nan and I write letters to each other. This post has reminded me that it’s my turn to write! Sometimes an update on what’s happening or a postcard, my Nan always includes photos with her letters so I feel like it’s one long conversation.
Despite being 80+yrs, my Nan did join Facebook last year to try and keep connected with everyone, but there is nothing like checking the post to see a little envelope of possibility. A bit like when email first came out and it was exciting to check my inbox. A few friends have said they would like to letter write with me but it’s just so easy to email with them.
I love that you and your Nan write letters back and forth. These are to be treasured. I love how you said “a little envelope of possibility.” completely. great.
I love the idea of this project. A Year of Letters sounds so much more meaningful than A Year of Emails does! Thanks for sharing via Family Fun Friday.
Thanks Stephanie for visiting. I couldn’t agree more, a year of emails just doesn’t do it for me either! 🙂
I, too, believe in the power of letter writing. I thought I was all alone in my missive-sending mission. lol! Glad to meet a fellow believer.
Hello Nita, love when kindred spirits unite! Glad you stopped in and I hope it won’t be your last visit. Happy letter writing.
I love hand written letters. What a neat idea!
I love hand written letter too Tess, something about them that can’t be replicated in an email for sure. Thanks for stopping in for a visit.
Oh how this resonated with me and my own effort to revive the art of personal note and letter writing. It is a powerful connection tool, and such a small effort can make such a difference to others. I haven’t been as motivated by setting number goals as by a commitment to writr to people as soon as possible after Spirit puts them on my heart, but I love the idea of your project and will look forward to sharing your journey with my Heartspoken readers. Good luck!
I thought ‘She became a Butterfly’ was on to something pretty cool in her goal to write 100 friends this year. I will pass on your comment and words of encouragement to her. Thanks for sharing your own encouraging words here today Elizabeth.
What a wonderful idea, I’m looking forward to hearing how this project progresses – I’m off to your blog now 🙂
I loved the idea too Emma. Can’t wait to see how it plays out. Hope you enjoy the blog. Thank you for taking the time to check it out.
Thank you SO much Barb for letting me be a part of your wonderful letter-writing site! I posted a blog about you today. Please check it out!
My pleasure. And thank you too! Butterfly’s are beautiful. 🙂