What people use to mark their place in a book varies as much as the titles on a bookshelf. This collection of things left behind in books is on display at one of my favorite book shops.

Things used as bookmarks don’t get thrown out
Cafe Books in Canmore is a must visit when you are in this beautiful mountain town. It has both a used bookshop and one where the books are new. I love how they keep the things they find in the used books instead of throwing them out.

Collection ranging from sentimental to strange
Everytime I go, the collection of things left in books changes. Old library cards, prize ribbons, paper money, airline ticket stubs, a button that says ‘work shouldn’t suck’ — it all makes for a fascinating display.

What do you use for a bookmark?
This sweet handmade bookmark for mom is just adorable. I fear that mom might be sad to know she left it in her book. It got me thinking.
Do we choose bookmarks because of their sentimental value or because the thing happens to be whatever is handy?

Stationery and books, two of my favorite things
Five years ago I wrote about this bookshop and the collection of things left in books, here is how it looked then. Truth be told this bookshop can be a dangerous place for my wallet, on par with a good stationery store. Anyone relate?

The charm of a bookstore
I love how every nook and cranny is jammed with books. Plus the opportunity to have a bowl of soup, perhaps a pastry and tea while surrounded by books seems just about perfect to me.