Do you remember the movie “Cast Away?” You know, with Tom Hanks stranded on an island with a volleyball named Wilson as his only friend?
Well imagine if instead of a volley ball it had been a typewriter that survived the plane crash along with Tom Hank’s character.
A whole new plot line would have materialized…the lone survivor on the island writing SOS notes on tree bark, being comforted by the zzzzzzip, tap, tap of his friend Rem.

Saskatoon typewriter man
These changes to the script wouldn’t have been hard for Mr. Hanks to immerse himself in, as in real life he is a bit of a typewriter aficionado. He was featured in the recent film “California Typewriter.”
Anyway, the story took a local twist recently when Saskatoon typewriter repair wizard, Thom Cholowski received a typewritten letter from Tom Hanks.
Look at that green ink! And there are typing errors and yet he typed on. Love this so much.

Hollywood typewriter man
Having recently chatted with Thom Cholowski it is very clear that in reaching out to Mr. Hanks it was never with the expectation that he would hear back or receive so much media attention and typewriter fame. In fact Thom was a little bit, dare I say, embarrassed about all the fuss.
Have a listen as CBC radio interviews Thom about how he came to receive a letter from Mr. Hanks.

The Thom and Tom story had a new chapter added as recently as this week. Thom received a typewriter from Tom. Yes, a typewriter from Mr.Hank’s private collection!

Isn’t this Remington noiseless machine beautiful! I will have to ask Thom next time I speak with him if it is in as perfect working order as it appears.
Special thanks to Thom who allowed me to share his story and use his photos. Stay tuned for a very cool event in October that Thom and I will be hosting online.
Do you have a typewriter? Tell me all about it.
I k now there is a typewriter repair person in YYC and I know he likes to fly under the radar a bit and doesn’t advertise as he said he’s supposed to be retired! (And yes I know you know him, Barb, as do I. He and his wife are both gems and they can’t ever give up their little shop as us typewriter fans depend on him!). I am wondering if we can concoct a plan to get Tom Hanks to honour them in a similar way? That would be so incredibly cool!
Hi ya Carla, I absolutely agree that this local to calgary typewriter wizard is a gem. You’ve given me something to think about. 🙂