Typewriter repair shop
What a delightful clip of father and son who continue on the tradition of keeping typewriters alive in their typewriter repair shop. The guardians of the keys, so to speak.
If you’ve been hang’n out with me for awhile now, you will know I have a bit of a ‘typewriter habit.’ Some like shoes, I like typewriters.
If you could run your own family business what would it be? For me it’s a toss up between a stationery shop or book store.
p.s. I have had some questions lately about where to find typewriter ribbons (yes, you can still buy them) so I thought I would share this Etsy shop. It’s where I find all my typewriter ribbons; including a funky purple one.
I have always loved the sound of the tap-tap-tapping of typewriter keys!
Transports you back in time, I think.I love it too. The sound of things getting done.
I’m hoping to get a typewriter for my 30th birthday next year. 🙂 Fingers crossed!
Oohhhh! It is going to be the best Birthday ever. Can’t wait to see it. 😉
Ahhh, I love typewriters too! I just found the most wonderful little typewriter shop in my city. (Found, because my 22 year old daughter asked for a typewriter for her birthday.) I ended up getting my daughter the typewriter she wanted and came away with the most amazing pink typewriter from the 1950’s for me. I love it so much, I’ve been planning a blog post about it. Your blog makes me so happy.
Hi there Pam, I am dying to see/read about your pink typewriter! I’ll be right over. p.s. love that your 22 yr old daughter wanted a typewriter for her Birthday