Typewriters at Letter Writing Socials
“What is going on here?” This is a question I often hear when I’m lugging my typewriters into a local coffee shop. Upon hearing that I’m hosting a letter writing social, where we actually write (or type) letters, the person usually pauses in a rather long, awkward silence trying to make sense out of it all.
Letters make us remember
What often follows next is my favorite part. A story is usually forth coming about a grandparent sending postcards, a typing class ‘back-in-the-day’ or a collection of letters kept still, after many years, from a parent who has long ago passed on.
A new generation discovers the charm of snail mail
My most recent Letter Writing Social was held earlier this month for Valentine’s Day. Turn-out was good, nine people in total. The click-clacking of the typewriters had the place a buzz’n.
In terms of demographics, most were younger professionals or students in University, mostly female. There were a couple of loyal die-hards (love you) but everyone else was attending for the first time.
Any occasion is reason to write a letter
Generally the Letter Writing Socials are seasonal in theme, Mother’s Day is one that is well attended or sometimes I invite special guests to the Letter Writing Socials like the one last year featuring Fountain Pens , but really, no special event is required to write a letter to a friend.
Starting your own Letter Writing Social
Although swimming against the digital current of our day, I continue to travel with my typewriters in hopes of introducing the lost art of letter writing to more people.
Should you be interested in starting a Letter Writing Social yourself please message me for information and pricing for a DIY starter kit, including my tips and recommendations.
For anyone local, the next Letter Writing Social is on March 16th. Will you join me?
I have thoroughly enjoyed looking at your FAB pic! 🙂
It was a fun evening for sure, Sydney. Happy to provide a little window into the evening for those far away 🙂