Strangely enough I don’t remember ever keeping a diary.* What I do remember though, distinctly, is trying to break the lock on one of my sister’s diaries. They are surprisingly strong little contraptions! My other strategy was keeping a keen eye on her hiding places for that magical key. A tad naughty I was in my younger days (insert micheavous smile here).

Diaries. The well of all secrets. What is fasinating, as a dear friend recently pointed out to me, is that in times not that long ago we kept our secrets to ourselves via diary or perhaps a few trusted confidents. The impulse or desire to let the rest of the world in on our secrets just didn’t seem to be prevalent. Today is another story. Or so it seems.
Have you been on Instagram lately? I have not ventured there yet but many are telling me I must. And don’t get me started on the reality TV show genera. Hold on to your seats for a moment as this next little bit of our conversation might hit a nerve with some readers. I realize there is a tremendous following for stuff like the Kardashians (I actually had to look up how to spell their name correctly). You don’t need to go further than your local grocery store cash register line to see some family member on some publication. Or what about the Honey Boo Boo series.
Now, I do need to stop right here and make a confession. I actually find the Duck Dynasty series funny. I know, you are thinking, “What did she just say?” “Does she really watch that show?” I humbly, with a slight tinge of embarassment, admit to it. But how could I rite further if I did not come clean. Anyway, what is fasincating to me, no matter our personal opinion on these shows is that we, the general public, keep watching. We find it entertaining. It would appear that we have this insatiable appetite to know other’s secrets. Perhaps we want to live vicariously through them. Maybe we are so unhappy with our own lives we derive some short lived pleasure from mindless watching.
So, moral of the story? Just keep a diary. We would all be better off. And I am convinced we would be more content. And isn’t that what we are all searching for anyway. Happiness? I think so.
*Ok, time for some fun. A contest of sorts. I am looking for pics of your diaries. Old or new. But they have to be authentic. Well used. Well loved. Send me the pic by April 18 and I am going to choose the best pic and feature it in upcoming PART 2 of “Under Lock and Key.” Plus, I will send you a new diary or journal so that you can continue keeping your secrets secret!