P.S. Write Soon. One of the best signature lines ever. This envelope with all the stamps was in my mailbox recently. Instead of ripping it open on my walk home, I waited until I had a glass of ice tea, and time to sit and read it. Letters are to be savored, no?!

As entry No.13 in an ongoing series of what snail mail arrives in my mailbox, this adhesive stamp above sure does chronicle some of the concerns with sending mail during Covid times.
You too can source these perforated stamps or custom design your own over at The Perforated Post shop.

Thank you to Hanna, in Sweden, who swapped postcards with me in the BookLoverPostcardSwap a few months back. I love the illustration and the fact that it is signed by the illustrator herself is so cool!
Notice that Hanna included date and weather details from the day she wrote the postcard. Anyone else do this too? So fun. Brings me a little closer to Sweden when I can imagine the weather on that exact day.

I am sucker for a wax seal. And my name never looked so fine than on this envelope penned by the fine folks at soulPaper stationery shop. This arrived in my mailbox with some of the beautiful stationery goods I ordered.

Follow rae.and.dot.studio on instagram to see this very clever Covid themed postcard and others like it. Thanks to Shelley who sent this to me even though we literally live down the street and around the corner from each other.
Indeed, social distancing does make the heart grow fonder.
Always cool to find a piece of my mail on your blog!
Always cool to receive your mail! 🙂