What’s in my mailbox. No.11.
Nothing brightens my day more than going to the mailbox and finding a letter inside. It has been awhile since I did an installment in my ‘What’s In My Mailbox Series‘ so I thought I would share some of the lovelies I’ve received lately.
Thank you Jessica for this postcard from one of our favorite paper stores, The Regional Assembly of Text in Vancouver. And this little change purse from Jill!? Cuteness overload. So kind of you to send it to me.
Mini mail
Although you can’t really tell from this picture above, this envelope and contents are teeny tiny. Claudia from Calgary knows my love (obsession) with typewriters and sent me this darling typewriter graphic. A year ago, both she and I wrote to John Mayer using a typewriter. Did you ever get a response, Claudia?
Hugs through the mail
I’m sending virtual hugs to my friend Jill in Italy these days. Not only because I adore exchanging snail mail with her but because this sweet card just inspires me to return the hugs she sent me with this card. And this green postbox?! Spectacular.
Beautiful envelopes
Some people are so creative when it comes to addressing the envelope. Thanks to Erika in Montreal, my name never looked so good. I also like how she addressed it to just my first name. Something cool about that. And snoopy is so cute!
What faraway place have you received mail from lately?
p.s. to see a three-fold-out postcard I received from New Zealand visit my Facebook page.