Will Canada Post go on strike? And do we care?
There could be postal strike this week as of September 26, 2018.
The Canadian postal union is poised to go on strike because of discrepancies in pay between rural and suburban mail carriers.
The majority of rural carriers are women who are paid less than their male counterparts in urban areas.
Canada Post still struggling
Issues at the post office are not new. It was in late 2013 that Canada Post announced the move from individual mailboxes to community boxes.
Some tried to rally to save door-to-door mail delivery, while others felt this change was long overdue given the obvious reality that no ones sends letters anymore.
If you ran Canada Post what would you do?
Try as I might to save Canada Post, it would seem that a viable model for the times we live in just hasn’t been found.
After Canada Post rectifies this glaringly offensive difference in how it pays women, what would you suggest Canada Post do to get its house in order to ensure we will still have a national mail delivery system in years to come?
Do you think Canada Post will go on strike this week? Or do we care?
Living in the small town of Invermere, B.C., we depend on the post office. Although people rarely write letters these days, our local post office handles MANY parcels since so much merchandise is ordered online. Also, the local post office is still the heart of the community where people meet and chat with each other. For example, the bulletin board at the post office serves as the notice board for local obituaries. Everyone stops here first, to see if anyone they know has died, and when the funeral is being held. Although many of us (including me) now get their mail from a community box, I still visit the post office at least once a week to mail parcels or buy stamps, or pick up parcels. I would miss it terribly. My only suggestion for Canada Post is to adopt the principles of a private, competitive business and go head-to-head with the courier services.
Hi there Elinor, I so appreciated you highlighting the true fact of the post office being the heart of small communities. And such an important role for all the reasons you mention. So far no strike, so that is promising. Great suggestion too for who Canada Post could be more competitive.