Now is the time for snail mail.
With the current events being what they are across the globe, might I suggest this is the perfect time to write someone a letter. A note of kindness, a thoughtful ‘thinking of you’ card is just what the times call for.

Letter writing kits sell out
April is National Letter Writing Month but let’s not wait. Stock up now on stamps (never mind the toilet paper) and check out my favorite letter writing kit. It is now available as part of the campaign ‘write_on.’ They do sell out so if you are interested in picking up one, don’t delay.

How to get involved in National Letter Writing Month
Be sure to use the hashtag #write_on and connect with others who are also writing a note each day for 30 days during the month of April. Or you can opt for other ways to get involved in National Letter Writing Month.
Not sure how to start your letter? Here are some ideas of what you can write about.
So, let’s spread some positivity and joy in a world that could really use a some.
You with me?
p.s. And just so you know, it is safe for you to send/receive mail.
p.p.s. all photos are courtesy of eggpress.com