photo credit: ♔ Georgie R via photopin cc
How much do you write in any given day?
I love Mónica and I don’t even know her.
I heard her the other day on CBC radio (I’m pretty much addicted to this our Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) being interviewed by Nora Young. I only caught the tail end of the show and I would have handwritten down the info to go back and listen to, but as I was driving at the time, I did a quick ‘voice memo’ on my phone.
And so here’s why I love her. Monica Guzmán decided to go old school for two days and hand write everything she did. Everything. Status updates, emails, tweets and even texts. After writing her response or initial thought she would photograph it and send it off to the intended recipient.
photo credit: sunshinecity via photopin cc
Slow down and take notice
From reading her article on the project in the Seattle Times she shares she did it “…to hack my brain. To make it slow down and notice the flurry of digital mutterings it writes and sends so easily, they barely register as mutterings at all.”
Fascinated by how much writing our society does these days, albeit largely in a digital way, Mónica invited anyone to share how much they write in any given day. Check it out here.
So, what do you think of this experiment? When you write during your day (don’t forget grocery lists count), do you ever put pen to paper?